
welcome to ryokan oomuraya!

Ryokan oomuraya is located in Saga where is part of west in Japan.
If you want to see real Japanese country,Kyushu (Saga,Fukuoka,Nagasaki,Kumamoto,Oita,Kagoshima,Miyazaki) is best place to visit.
Do you feel satisfied after visiting Tokyo or Kyoto?
Japan has various characteristic cities.
We would like you to visit a lot of city in Japan.

We’d like to tell you how to go to Ureshino!!

Highway bus is convinient if you would come here from Fukuoka or Nagasaki.
It takes about 90 mins from Fukuoka to Ureshino and about 60 mins from Nagasaki to Ureshino.
Highway buses from Fukuoka to Ureshino is sometimes via Fukuoka international airport.

If you get a rental car,you would go to anywhere you want to go more than highway bus.

Some tourist has Japan Rail Pass!!
In this case,you can catch a train from Hakata to Nagasaki or from Hakata to Sasebo.
Then,please get a train off at Takeo Onsen sta or Hizen Kashima sta.
It takes about 30 mins from Takeo Onsen sta to Ureshino Onsen by bus.
It takes about 30 mins from Hizen Kashima to Ureshino Onsen by bus as well.
You could see a view of Japanese country side on your way to Ureshino Onsen,if you catch a local bus.

There are various kind of trains in Japan!!
Trains in Japan are on time and fast and clean!!
Please ride them on!!